Monday, November 14, 2011


today when i driving back home ..i heard a song with a memorable lyric "哭不出来的苦"..that's my feeling...i wish to cry as loud as I can..but I not able to cry out anymore..duno why..

today morning..i did sms you again...sms u is abt i had chase d sick god away frm you..i never expect u will reply me with thanks..thanks for ur reply..and today i meet ur frz..i duno wat to act to them when i see them..i so scare see you...really..i scare i see u i will cry better than not see you walk pass me..thanks god...

todayi finally tell my sis about our break..she tell me our relatioship just like the drama now playing in daai long as we both dare to cross over the challenge from parents evrythings gonna be all right. But i know u wont cross bcause of me. I know u are unsure abt me till now...same as I..I also unsure are you is my my future is blank...let time pass we then only will knw wat we actually wan..

i hope i can cry now...cry as loud as i can and sob as loud as i can..pls let me cry..pls let me sleep well...i don't wan wake in midlle of the taugther me..plsssssssss....

today morning i read a book called giving,i decide keep read on tis book..i found it gv me a strong energy that can continue my life...thanks god Im still a strong man..thanks god that I have a little bit of optimistic..and make my life easier...

the 14th days of break still missing you..all the time... do you?

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