Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 11th anniversary + the break up

Today i finally can meet v him and talk to him. I see his happy when he came in to my car. Then after I pass him his bufdat present i start crying, i see him sad too..i see his breath getting stronger n stronger.

Although i had wait for him few hours but i can descirbe hw happy am I when I get to knw he is wake up and I can go meet him. I know I keep mention about half year that make him stress.I und you actually, and agree v u, no one knows what's will happen after half year. I trust you, really, Im trust in you. You dun dare look at me, coz i saw u wan to cry soon. Do you u are getting stronger? last time u see me cry , u will cry. And this time you too.

I dunno wat the best I can gv u, except for time. Time may get a person heal n may get a person get a new one and time may prove a person's love. I really hope we are the type of "time prove love" .

I dunno how much I in love with you, but I know i want you. why i want you? Im also curious..

haizz...I will b strong and take care my self. Coz in future I ned take care of you. =)

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