Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Single Again!

Today, we had an agreement.The agreement is we both have a challenger to text how our love to each other. And I took the challenge without hesitate. Friends will think myself is a stupid person who so easy believe wat people said.Even tough i also dont knw am i did a stupid mistake but im brave to take it. I think this challenger jz to please my inner self..to feel better.

No one knows what will happens after half year, from now on I really really have to enrich myself..with knowledge or others...Life is still on..I should appreciate every moment I have.I will do my best for my life and dun let it be regret.

It makes me recall back my previous love relationship. I did the same things, blog my feeling,on the same month, on the same time(night).

I never blame of anyone.Because I know is my luck, may be previous life i did something bad to them, now i have to return to them..perhaps thats is no more.

I duno why i very comfortable with him. when i with him i really can feel i been protecting and cares by him. There was a time i tell myself leave you whn i quarrel with you, but until today i realize that I really cant leave you.

No matter how, I will be more positive as I can. Think forward.I have to bear many thg, many thg ned to face. Just wan to tell you,

Dear my love,

Thanks for the care you gave me. And thank you for appreciate my love that I gave you.We has been treat each other as the most important person in life. And thanks for Im had been the no.1 in your once life time.Everything we have to end up right here. And we are friend now. It's sound sad but we have to face the truth..the real world and the cruel world. There is no trust if there is no love.

I trust you, I believe in you because I love you.

Lots love.

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