Saturday, November 19, 2011

my survey result

I went to do a survey..n that my i? yes u are i thk of u..and i did stupid action tat wanted to find u..i knw u are avoiding me..thx for ur action and i can tell myself u r nw hate me..i also hate u frm this moment..u no longer care me anymore coz u dislike me anymore..i muz forget u...everthg u done for me n me done for u..past is past...anyway I HATE U!!!! hate u cm in my dream n mylife..

Your Results…

We’ve tabulated your survey answers. Read your evaluation in full with recommendations below. You will also receive an extended analysis via email from me, Amelie Chance. It seems you fall into a category called “Emptiness”, a pretty high category of pain. I understand this is an extremely difficult time, but there is still hope for you to feel better – and soon. Below is your initial evaluation that I wanted to share with you. Below that, please find my recommendations for a path to start healing today.

1 – You are suffering from Emptiness. Your mind, body, and heart are basically saying to you, “Hey, what’s the point of any of this without him or her?” The reason it is so painful is that more than loneliness, you are feeling emptiness.

2 – You are experiencing the Reminder Syndrome. You may not be able to get your ex, the break, up and the pain out of your mind for more than a few minutes at a time. There are subconscious triggers of your ex everywhere including songs, smells, objects, and much more.

3 – Negative thoughts - you can’t seem to shake them. Why did this happen (again)? I’m never going to meet anyone. The thought of dating again makes me want to vomit. Don’t worry, you are not alone and there is a simple and powerful method to combat these thoughts.

4 – Loss of a possible soulmate. It seems that you believe that you have lost the person that was the one for you. The one you had been waiting for, the person that made you whole, that made you who you are and wanted to be. I want to tell you that even in this situation, it is possible to heal, to have hope, and to live a vibrant life again.

It sounds pretty bad, but of all the results from the survey, I relate most to the emptiness category. I can tell you there is hope to feel better. I was in this place a few years ago while running my business. I had lost my soulmate and thought my life was over. The story is pretty personal, but I know if you are feeling empty, no matter how impossible it seems, you can feel better and remarkable relief to your broken heart.

I fell to the floor clutching my chest – I couldn’t breathe. Unfortunately, that floor was in bathroom of the 100-person office where I was the owner & CEO.

I knew my broken heart had taken over my life…I mean what was I doing lying on the floor crying? My staff was counting on me and I felt like I was having an out of body experience. I was gasping for breath thinking it was a possible heart attack, but deep inside I knew the truth…

The love of my life, the center of my everyday exciting and mundane activities, the one who brought a thrill and calm like no other I had ever experienced had walked away. I was crushed. No, no, not crushed. That doesn’t begin to describe it. I was left a shell of my previous self…hollow inside. Empty.

This broken heart had taken over my emotions, stripped me of the meaning in my life. I wondered if anything I had worked towards actually mattered anymore. The house, the car, my friends, my hobbies, and honestly even my family seemed completely meaningless…without him. I didn’t see how I was going to get through it. So, as I lie there crumpled on the ground I did the only thing I knew how – I got up.

I got up and I decided it had been long enough. To be honest, the day of the bathroom incident, it had been 2 years since the break up, but the memory was still very fresh. I decided that I was going to search out the solution to healing a broken heart, because I didn’t buy that ‘time heals all wounds’. It certainly didn’t for me. In fact, it festered and grew like this blob of uncontrollable despair that had overtaken my life. I had hit rock bottom and I decided it was time to climb back up and be the person I knew I still was inside.

Here is the reality I discovered: No matter if you’ve broken up from a long marriage or if this was your first love, no matter how impossible it may seem – you can heal. No matter if you are 20 or 60, life can still go on and be not only meaningful, but better and brighter than before. And not because you ‘waited’ for time to heal, but because there is a way to heal your broken heart.

If you have a broken heart, we are bonded by a shared experience. I consider you a friend. Please listen to my story as a friend…

What I described above is a true story. I was co-owner of a very busy, very demanding technology business, and I was a disaster. I had lost the love of my life and time wasn’t healing my wounds. I decided to fight back. I researched to find a solution to my heartbreak. As I said, I saw therapists, I read self-help books, I watched videos, listened to audios, meditated, did yoga, and much more. I was mad to find the solution. You know how I felt after all that? A little better, but not much.

Then I stumbled upon Positive Psychology and everything changed. Positive Psychology – I know it sounds like mumbo-jumbo, but it’s a real science that studies the strengths that allow humans and cultures to flourish. Finally – a science that examines not what is wrong with us, but rather, what is right with us. Positive Psychology studies our strengths and provides practical ways to improve our lives. My study of Positive Psychology is what pushed me to quickly find my better, brighter future. In fact, I left technology, started writing, became a best-selling author, and I’m now very happily married to someone I truly adore.I never thought this was possible, but it is and I can show you how to heal too.

You will understand why this happened and how this will lead to a better, brighter future.

You will find out if you should be friends with your ex or not.

You will learn the real fixes to the pain of the loneliness.

You will discover the technique to stop obsessive behavior such as refreshing your email and checking your phone every 5 minutes for a text from my ex.

You will create a path to a new future that is better than the one I had originally imagined.

I know this sounds inconceivable. I found the path from lost love back to the fire of life once again.

Please listen to me. The reason I’m putting such a personal, private story out there is to let you know you are not alone. Telling you I was lying on a bathroom floor is not exactly me sharing a high point in my life with you; but I feel it is necessary. I have found a way to heal, and now it is my duty to share it with anyone else who has a broken heart. I’m sharing my techniques with you right here.

Here is the truth: Love isn’t what hurts. It’s losing love that’s excruciating.

Inside, you are torn apart:

· You feel as if you will never meet anyone else
· You are scared to death that you will grow old alone
· You are too frightened to ever open up your heart to love anyone else
· You don’t see a point in going on with your life

Your friends can say whatever they want to try to comfort you. And there love and attention is appreciated, but it’s like taking a low milligram aspirin for a migraine. It may ease the pain briefly, but the underlying problem is still there, gnawing at you. Listening to your friends might actually be making things worse. Your friends will help to perpetuate the three biggest myths about dealing with heartbreak. And they’ll keep repeating them, with good intentions, but crippling results.

Myth #1: “Time heals all wounds.”

Myth #2: “It has to get much worse before it gets better.”

Myth #3: “The best remedy is to date someone else.”

Ugh! These Myths Are False! Who is Spreading This Limited Thinking Around? It’s Not Helping You. It’s Hurting You.

Fact 1: Time will heal you when you take real action. You must make a conscious effort to take the steps to get rid of the negative thoughts, alleviate anxiety, combat depression, and find happiness again. We show you how.

Fact 2: It can get better from Day 1 after your break up. That is a pretty bold statement, but it is true. There is no magic bullet, but there are powerful ways to change your perspective and readjust your internal pain centers.

Fact 3: There is a right time to starting dating again. Getting back into the dating game too soon can slow down your healing to a halt and even push you a few steps back. Get the right advice from the experts on when and how to find love again.

Powerful Tip 1: Friendship with An Ex Answered

In this world, it is relationships that connect us with one another. A relationship bonded by deep love forms a connection of the heart, mind, and soul, and hence, the reason for its great might. Once we are connected in this fashion, is it possible to disconnect? Just because the words ‘break up’ have been used, does not mean the feelings have dissolved. Releasing a love is a challenge for anyone, but the thought of losing the friendship can seem intolerable. Many times this is the reason we keep in contact with our ex after a break up – after all, they were our best friend.

So, should you continue talking to them, responding to and sending texts, and just keeping in contact? Not if one of these three things apply:

1) Circular Reference: Your ex is someone to whom you turned to for advice. That type of dynamic generally doesn’t change when you try to remain friends. Unfortunately, the person giving you advice about something cannot be part of the advice that needs to be given. All of the qualities you seek in a advisor – objectivity, unbiased opinion, the truth – are lost in this scenario. She or he cannot help you get over her or him. And biting your tongue or holding back what you really want to talk about will just put you back into a place of pain.

2) The Pain Resurfaces: If you still have feelings for your ex, which you do after a break up, then every time you see them the pain resurfaces at the same intensity level. At Heal My Broken Heart, we are trying to provide you exercises to actively heal your heart; however, these exercises are diluted in their effectiveness each time you start from square one again.

3) Jealousy Multiplies: If you have thoughts of your ex with someone else, whether these are based reality or conjured in our minds. When you remain ‘friends’ with an ex, this feeling is exaggerated. You will be subconsciously looking for anything in his or her discussion that indicates they are still into you or into someone else. This can keep you up for nights at a time – even if it isn’t true. Bottom line, you may be torturing yourself.

This issue is not black and white and requires some more examination. If you work together, live together, or share children, there are additional issues to talk about. Can you ever be friends? Absolutely – at the right point in time. The when, how, and why’s of how to heal from losing love and friendship is what you need to learn.

Friday, November 18, 2011

hate u

u dream her? do u hv dream me?

I so sad when i see u tell her that u dream her. so wat about me? Am I already not in ur heart? or i really make u so hate me? why?

i plan for chiritmas send u a doggie toy and candy tat u like..but seems now ..i duno ..shud i continue send u the present? or i jz save it back..i getting hate u now!!!!!

I duno wat to do now...i really so hate u..all scorpion ppl..i so hate UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


i miss you again. from the moment i wake up..untill now..I miss you again and again..i toguth today I can beat you down so I wont think of you..but I cant...I keep tahan my tears and my sad...and i today accidentaly see a song with the name 别去打扰他的心 so sad..I cry again..the lyris is as below :

等他的愛 幾個夏天已過完
心裡面 還記得他溫熱的臉
漫長的路 也許你也孤單
只希望 我們的心一樣的天藍
這麼深切的愛 那麼遙遠的距離
無法重來的故事 怎麼可能打動他的心
以為 只以為 我能告訴自己
讓回憶 只是回憶 別去打擾他的心

為他的愛 不顧一切的等待
心裡面 怎能輕易就說再見
漫長的路 各自找尋真愛
好希望 我們的心一樣的天藍

and i u will come back for me? I duno..i wish say yes..but ur respond seems no...i....i...i...can i cry lound again???

Monday, November 14, 2011


today when i driving back home ..i heard a song with a memorable lyric "哭不出来的苦"..that's my feeling...i wish to cry as loud as I can..but I not able to cry out anymore..duno why..

today morning..i did sms you again...sms u is abt i had chase d sick god away frm you..i never expect u will reply me with thanks..thanks for ur reply..and today i meet ur frz..i duno wat to act to them when i see them..i so scare see you...really..i scare i see u i will cry better than not see you walk pass me..thanks god...

todayi finally tell my sis about our break..she tell me our relatioship just like the drama now playing in daai long as we both dare to cross over the challenge from parents evrythings gonna be all right. But i know u wont cross bcause of me. I know u are unsure abt me till now...same as I..I also unsure are you is my my future is blank...let time pass we then only will knw wat we actually wan..

i hope i can cry now...cry as loud as i can and sob as loud as i can..pls let me cry..pls let me sleep well...i don't wan wake in midlle of the taugther me..plsssssssss....

today morning i read a book called giving,i decide keep read on tis book..i found it gv me a strong energy that can continue my life...thanks god Im still a strong man..thanks god that I have a little bit of optimistic..and make my life easier...

the 14th days of break still missing you..all the time... do you?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


just now my mum ask me...where is you? how is you? I just keep silient..then she ask me is it break up v u ...i say yes..then she ask me why? what happen...I dint tell her..i jz say nth make me so sad..i though today can happily pass ..but still....remind me thk of you..

Mum, i know you care me but pls don't ask me..I duno how to tell you...I cant tell you tat their family nt accept bcoz my age...I really cant..and if I tell I duno wat will happen..pls dun ask...

I wait him come back for me..if i tell u , u will have diff perception on him u know?

I have to protect you n me...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I miss you !

I miss you. Can i tell you? I really so miss you and i saw ur sick about med and med..i really wish go bside you and take care of u.At least I can by your side..make you happier.. but i know i cant...

Im so tired...the brain wanna bomb soon..i wish to sleep but cant sleep bcoz of u..i so miss you..i wish cry but tears is hiding inside my heart..and now the tears is auto drop on my face..

recently really myself is a mad person...and i playing a happy role in mylife..

Im so scare..scare of ppl leaving me, scare of lonely and scare of many many thg in life..Im tired of worry...

Can I have you? Because of you , you make me feel Im revive...

Today is the 12th day after breakup...d days is suffer.when I will get happy back?
anyone can tell me?

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Tomorrow is 11th NOv 2011. Today pass by ss2 there d bridal salon road..i saw couple are busy in the shop. I keep thinking when is our turn? Silly of me..still thinking of our past..nvr look forward..but i rethink and rethink again..I still wan you..

I think love a person is not need reason..i knw u sick i fb msg u ..u dint reply..i knw u dun wan gv me hope coz u cant promise happiness to me..I knw..n I und abt tis..buti duno why im still everyday thk of you..

From heavy cry until nw i wish to cry but the tears is drop in hearts..its hiding inside...i can feel it but cant show in physically...heart pain..

Today I watch a drama ..she teach me we have to be honest to strong n always positive thinking..

Can I Be brave? Can I jz walk into ur hse tell everyone tat i love u? Can i call ur mum tat tell her how much tat i can love u?

Ans is's will make u hate me bcoz of tat..may b i knw u too well or Im nt knw u well..but I knw u wan wat..but really I cant jz walk away n forgot our past..

U knw? yesday night I scare u deleted all our happy memories picture..I go download every picture tat we look sweet. Thn I thinking give wat present to you on I really do too much??

I knw u keep ask me dun treat u too good..but I cant jz leave u like tis..i wish my sincere can touch you..really..i no ned exp hse..i no ned exp ned many thg..i jz need a warm, happy with you..not more than tat..evrthg can solve if I with you.

tmr a thousand year once significant day...I wish to celebrate tis significant day v u..but i cant..nvr mnd i can hold boo boo them together..i wish next year 12.12.12 i can b with you .

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


柳暗花明又一村 : 事情会有转机.就算你遇到困境.坚持过去.就是胜利!!

Life is good , life is bad is depends on you. Sometimes you will have barrier in your life. Take it easy, the barrier will leave you soon if you have positive thinking.

Thanks for everyone who care about me. Im really appreciate that. And thanks for whos remind me all the time. Life is happy full of challenge and i have to overcome it.

Got u all my life doesnt lonely.I have to study increases my knowledge as much as I can!! =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

dont wasting yr time

this is wat he tell too good to him...but he cant love me coz his mum mind our age..oneyear gap...such reason..i cant so stupid..i thk i shudnt cry anymore...n i dun wait le...but i promise i wil kep single b4 his matter i will materialise wat i say

Sunday, November 6, 2011



那天你的一个“remeber drink more water and rest more ya” 真的很温暖我的心。。你生病我不能为你做些什么。。只能sent you one sms..只能叫你的朋友帮我看你。。你知道这种感觉很痛吗?








Thursday, November 3, 2011

The 11th anniversary + the break up

Today i finally can meet v him and talk to him. I see his happy when he came in to my car. Then after I pass him his bufdat present i start crying, i see him sad too..i see his breath getting stronger n stronger.

Although i had wait for him few hours but i can descirbe hw happy am I when I get to knw he is wake up and I can go meet him. I know I keep mention about half year that make him stress.I und you actually, and agree v u, no one knows what's will happen after half year. I trust you, really, Im trust in you. You dun dare look at me, coz i saw u wan to cry soon. Do you u are getting stronger? last time u see me cry , u will cry. And this time you too.

I dunno wat the best I can gv u, except for time. Time may get a person heal n may get a person get a new one and time may prove a person's love. I really hope we are the type of "time prove love" .

I dunno how much I in love with you, but I know i want you. why i want you? Im also curious..

haizz...I will b strong and take care my self. Coz in future I ned take care of you. =)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Single Again!

Today, we had an agreement.The agreement is we both have a challenger to text how our love to each other. And I took the challenge without hesitate. Friends will think myself is a stupid person who so easy believe wat people said.Even tough i also dont knw am i did a stupid mistake but im brave to take it. I think this challenger jz to please my inner feel better.

No one knows what will happens after half year, from now on I really really have to enrich myself..with knowledge or others...Life is still on..I should appreciate every moment I have.I will do my best for my life and dun let it be regret.

It makes me recall back my previous love relationship. I did the same things, blog my feeling,on the same month, on the same time(night).

I never blame of anyone.Because I know is my luck, may be previous life i did something bad to them, now i have to return to them..perhaps thats is no more.

I duno why i very comfortable with him. when i with him i really can feel i been protecting and cares by him. There was a time i tell myself leave you whn i quarrel with you, but until today i realize that I really cant leave you.

No matter how, I will be more positive as I can. Think forward.I have to bear many thg, many thg ned to face. Just wan to tell you,

Dear my love,

Thanks for the care you gave me. And thank you for appreciate my love that I gave you.We has been treat each other as the most important person in life. And thanks for Im had been the no.1 in your once life time.Everything we have to end up right here. And we are friend now. It's sound sad but we have to face the truth..the real world and the cruel world. There is no trust if there is no love.

I trust you, I believe in you because I love you.

Lots love.