Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1st february..the another sad day

I dream you..u know?? I see we both so love each other in the dream and we are together b4 the doom day happen..u know?? so wish the day come..really...
you and me become is the first time i so close to you..i jz sit behind u after a row...see from the back u become thiner and i know we keep the distant..may b the distant is good for u and me..and i today went the meeting..never thought of u involve in and same as me be the tresurer for the event..u know i keep think of u when i wake up n when i really make me so suffer.. i wish i nvr see u again..really...seeing u so far from me is really hurt..the deepest hurt..and our boo..everytime i hug her...i so sad..but i cant jz leave her aside..dun worry i will use tears n time to heal...u too..actually i keep asking god gv me a chance for me to love u..duno will it become true...i really day i will get married and hv a happily family...perhaps is with you...but no one knows future...i try my best to keep distant frm you. as wat i promise i wont disturb ur i promise too...i will wait you..