Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Cry whole day jz for a wish...wishing you come may thounsand little tears can change you come back to my? anyone know?

Friday, December 16, 2011

The dream..

I dream of you last night. And I dream I have a baby..a baby boy with very very cute face. And I know Im hugging baby in my hand and i see myself so happy when i see you walking towards me.In that scene I see your freidns too, I see weird right? And then I had woke up.

The dream is...i duno how to describe I jz know Im was sososos happy...may be in future we might be together ba. or...jz im the one wishing...but i know that feeling..the feeling of btw u n me.

I know im make me angry abt her....actually i...i also duno..why i wil thk tat way even though u not mine..may b..dunno..

But when I compare the story betwwen you n me to other love story, I feel pround..coz we both are having everythg that other peoples doent have before.And do you know, yesday I went sing K with my classmate and whn i sing a song i sudden tears drop...then sad whole useless right...but I will be more strong..actually so scare to meet you in class..coz i scare i will cry..duno why...but i will do my best for you. Leave you alone..because this is the way you like...=)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

after a month

tat day i see u..i wish to cry but lucky frz is bedside me..thn i had control on my own...but now i cry whole day my heart is vry weird duno how to describe d feeling and finally i cry..i after a still very suffer..i keep suffering..why...why is me...i wish to happy live ..but why sad find me...i want u again..and i ned u again..n i ned u vry much you know?

u will never knw..bcoz u no longer pur me in ur heart...